Posted on March 6, 2024, 7:29 am By admin

Rare Vintage Ronal Turbo Wheels Set of Four 4×108 15×7 ET28. The parts are taken from Canadian models. Some models may have slight variations depending on a region. Please check with your local dealer. We are not responsible for wrong or undeliverable addresses. Please include the original receipt with your return. A Note About Used Parts. Used parts are quite often a little dirty, greasy, etc. This can sometimes interfere with descriptions of parts. Parts are described as accurately as possible but errors can be made. We recommend that used parts should have bearings, bolts, nuts and gaskets replaced before use. Lucky Duck Racing Parts is not at fault for damage caused by not taking such precautions. We make every effort to test our electronics before listing but due to the nature of electrical components we can not guarantee used electronics. We’d be happy to help.

Categories: rare Tags: 15x7, 4x108, et28, four, rare, ronal, turbo, vintage, wheels